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How does the company assist in claiming the assets do they provide any legal or consulting services?Consulting Services only.
Whether this information is stored in any legal format like WILL and can be used as the last will of the user.No, It is only information that is passed to the specific person (Nominee).
The nomenclature of the nominee is to be changed to family members as it can lead to legal issues.Nominee here is just for giving the information.
Nomination is registered separately with the financial institution.No
Whether the company store only information or documents related to the finances of customers like property paper / bonds / Insurance etc.Only Information.
When the data is stored in the encrypted form then how is the decryption done? Is there any documented policy of the company? Who is the custodian of decryption keys?Encryption and decryption happen in the interface. The Information is transferred from the client account to the nominee account by the protocol.
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